MultiPlan Medicare Advantage Network
MultiPlan’s provider network for access to Medicare Advantage programs

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Get access to Medicare Advantage programs

Medicare Advantage Organizations that administer these programs use our network in defined geographic areas to supplement their own networks to provide greater access to quality affordable healthcare for their members. Note that MultiPlan does not process, reprice or pay Medicare Advantage claims.
Welcome Medicare Advantage Providers

Our network is your partner in delivering care to individuals participating in Medicare Advantage and related health plans.

Join the network

This application request applies to participation in the MultiPlan Medicare Advantage Network only. You may already participate in one or more of our PPO networks (e.g., PHCS, MultiPlan, HealthEOS, etc.) that serve privately-funded health plans, which are covered by a separate agreement.
Our Medicare Advantage Clients

Our Medicare Advantage clients have been approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to administer Medicare Advantage programs in defined geographical areas. These clients manage all aspects of the plan including claim processing and payment. Note that MultiPlan does not process, reprice or pay Medicare Advantage claims.
Alignment Health Plan
States: CA, NV
AllyAlign Health
American Health Advantage of Florida
American Health Advantage of Mississippi
American Health Advantage of Oklahoma
American Health Advantage of Texas
Florida Complete Care
States: FL
Georgia Health Advantage
Gold Kidney
Imperial Health
States: AZ, CA, NM, NV, TX
Independent Health
716-631-3282 or
States: National Travel Network
Iowa Health Advantage
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado
State: National Travel Network
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Washington
State: National Travel Network
Mass Advantage
States: FL & AZ Travel Network
Presbyterian Health Plan
States: AZ, CO, NM, TX
Priority Health
States: National except for MI
Provider Partners
States: NC, IN
SCAN Desert Health Plan
SCAN Health Plan
State: CA, NM, NV, TX
SECUR Health Plan
Shared Health
Signature Advantage
States: KY
States: National Travel Network
Univera Healthcare
[email protected]
States: National Travel Network
Vantage Health Plan, Inc.
States: AR and counties in the following bordering states: LA, MO, MS, OK, TN, TX
Verda Healthcare
States: TX
Working with the MultiPlan Medicare Advantage Network

Please promptly inform MultiPlan of any changes to your directory or other information.
- Click here to update your directory information.
- Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) requires Medicare Advantage Organizations to maintain information regarding network adequacy and availability. To support this requirement, MultiPlan asks all providers participating in our Medicare Advantage network to inform us of any changes to your provider directory information (e.g., street address, phone number, office hours) and whether you accept new patients.
The Medicare Advantage ID card identifies the Medicare Advantage Organization and plan and may contain the MultiPlan Medicare Advantage (or Beech Street Network) logo. The MultiPlan network accessed by the Medicare Advantage Organization may be referenced in the claim reimbursement documentation.
Submit claims as indicated on the member’s Medicare Advantage ID card.
- Inquiries regarding payment related issues should be directed to the payer identified on the ID card. It is the payer’s responsibility to ensure that payments are made in compliance with the program.
- Note that MultiPlan does not process, reprice or pay Medicare Advantage claims. Contact the payer listed on the member ID card for questions regarding claim payment.
To verify eligibility, contact the payer as indicated on the patient’s Medicare Advantage ID card.

Required general compliance and fraud, waste and abuse training

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and your MultiPlan Medicare Advantage Network provider agreement mandate all those contracted to provide health care services to Medicare Advantage beneficiaries must complete the applicable Medicare Advantage program compliance trainings.

MultiPlan’s code of conduct

MultiPlan’s Code of Business Conduct and Ethics contains the legal and ethical standards of conduct required of all parties with which MultiPlan contracts. We expect all providers participating with MultiPlan to comply with our Code in every aspect of their business conduct.
Contact us

Contact our Government Business Service Center for issues related to your participation in our Medicare Advantage Network, such as:
- Questions about your participation status
- Changes to your demographic information
- Inquires about our credentialing criteria
- Copies of your provider contract
- Credentialing application submissions (W-9 required)
[email protected]
(Phone) 1-866-971-7427 (Fax) 630-799-3587
MultiPlan, ATTN: GBSC
6116 Shallowford Road Suite109B
Chattanooga, TN 37421
More information

Get more information about MultiPlan’s
Are you a payor? To learn more about MultiPlan, contact us.
Are you a patient? Please refer to your patient ID card for instructions on where to find program information about your healthcare plan, or visit our member page.
Webpage last updated: 01/17/2025